• First examination (1 hour),
examination in the middle of the treatment (with the results of the analysis)
and examination at the end of the first treatment.
2- ANALYSIS: After the examination of
our doctors, some or all of the analysis mentioned below are required by the
doctors. The analysis kits are ordered from abroad, the application of the
analysis and sending back to abroad takes time for 7 or 10 days.
• England Analysis: Metabolic
Analysis Profile:
• Holland Analysis: Nagalase Tests:
• United States of America Analysis:
• Istanbul Analysis: Heavy Metal
Analysis; At the laboratories of Istanbul Technical University Department of
Forensic Medicine:
• Ankara Analysis: The analysis of:
Amino Acid Profile in Urine (Quantitative), Plasma Amino Acid Profile in blood
(Quantitative), ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Lipid Panel,
Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium,
Lithium, Iron, Iron-Binding, Full Blood
Count, 25-OH D Vit, B12 Vit, Ammonia, CRP, CK, FT3, FT4, TSH at the most
equipped laboratories of Ankara.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy which is the complemantary treatment for Autism, in
the case of our expert doctor Cem Kınacı regards necessary, Hyperbaric expert
doctor Hayriye Mutlu examines the patient and the therapy starts according to
the patient’s suitability. In the first treatment our doctors confirm 30 or 40
• Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is
applied 2 hours in a day, 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon.
There is a break of 5 minutes for every half an hour. During the session the
patient can read a book, journal or watch TV.
• Educational services which support
the learning of our authistic children. During this education period, at a
private education center our expert instructors give sessions to support the
children in learning colors, numbers, shapes, words, to support their speaking
and their socialization. Also the families watch the lessons and have opinions
about how to educate, to behave their children at home.
5- SEN Assistance Fixed Services:
• Airport Transfers (Arrival – Departure).
• Translation Services in all
languages (translation of all the documents, analysis, medicine prospectus,
etc… during the treatment and the translation of documents necessary for the
patients and doctors).
• Shopping, installation of telephone
line and supplying the other demands.
• Domestic and International Cargo
Services .
• 24/7 emergency support and
assistance service: Emergency assistance line is in use of the patients having
treatment and patients’s relatives. In emergency cases, if operational
situations occur (Referring to the hospital, ambulance and other treatment
services, etc.)
• In the period of treatment in
Turkey, follow-up the all procedures, organisations, patient follow-up and
after the treatment (keeping in touch with the patient, having information
about the patient and keep the doctor informed about the patient, transfer the
information acquired from the doctor to the patient and the relatives, long
term patient follow-up), follow-up the all mentioned procedures and
Usage Services:
a- Translator/Consultant Service:
During the treatment process at least 1 Translator/Consultant is provided and
if necessary it can be up to 3 people. The increase in the number of
translator/consultant does not affect the daily price. All the treatment
process, the translator/consultant personally accompanies the patient and his
b- Car Services with the driver: During
the treatment process car allocation for the treatment services (going to the
doctor for examination and return- going to Hyper Baric Oxygen Treatment twice
a day ( one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and return-going to the
psychologist therapy and return-going to the laboratory for the analysis and
return-etc…) including driver and fuel. (Except on Sundays, the demand of car
for Sundays are evaluated seperately.)
c- Providing the drugs and translation
of the usage of the drugs depending on demand: After the first examination and
the analysis, our doctors prescribes drugs changing approximately 10 to 15. The
drugs are ordered from different places of Europe and United States of America.
The patients’ relatives themselves can provide the drugs or they can demand us
for providing the drugs and translating the usage of the drugs. If the drugs
coming does not reach the return of the patient, the usage of the drugs are
being translated and attached on the drugs. With the special boxing, the drugs
are being delivered to the patients by cargo.
a- Luxurious Apart Hotel::
• Triple (for 3 people), 2 suite
rooms, and has kitchen, washing machine, satellite, luxurious decorated, that
can satisfy the needs, breakfast is included.
b- Apart Flats:
• Our flats for a family of 4 or 5
with 2 or 3 small children, 1+1, has kitchen, washing machine, satellite,
luxurious decorated, that can satisfy the needs.
c- 3 stars Hotel:
• One big room for 3 people,
breakfast and dinner included. There is no satellite TV or kitchen.
d- Full Decorated Home:
• The houses are decorated with the
furniture that satisfies the needs. Houses are charged monthly, not daily stay.
If 25 days stay is necessary for the treatment, 1 month fee is charged.
e- Special Demands:
• Upon your demand, 4 or 5 stars
hotel, villa or shopping organisation demands are evaluated seperately.
• Autism treatment is a long-term
treatment and for the positive results, it is necessary to continue the
treatment completely. To quit the treatment or incomplete treatment does not
give the desired results.
• Autism treatment has to be
considered as at least 3 steps. For the first step of treatment, if our doctors
confirm, 30 or 40 sessions of Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy has to be got.
• The results of the analysis those
are made in domestic and in abroad arrive in 30-45 days. Therefore, within this
period having Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy and having Education Services support
the treatment substantially.
• For whom coming for the first
treatment, for only examination and analysis (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and
Education services not included) for min: 10 days; for whom coming to have
examination, analysis and short education (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy not
included) for min: 15-20 days; for whom who will have the complete treatment
for 25-30 days has to arrange their permission, tickets and their businesses
• After the first treatment and
analysis and the prescribed drug utilization, it is necessary to come again 6
months later for the second treatment. Regarding this second treatment our
company will give information to you.
• For the price, appointments and
other information, please contact:
For English :
0090 549 428 5856 (Fatos BAYRAM)
Arabian :
0090 549 428 5857 (Fayiz
Assistance :
0090 312 428 5858
(Emergency: 7/24)